najwa saleh, said...
u still have me tira,
i've known u bette
bukan kau suka2 nak cakap pasal mak orang. bukan kau tak pandai nak berbahasa, bukan kau berniat nak berkasar. bukan kau berniat nak stalker.
cume internet is a public media.
even kau taknak tahu pun, kau akan tahu jugak secara tak langsung lagi-lagi facebook. u just google it and bende yg tak patut keluar pun boler terkeluar. that's a fact!
cume kau dah cukup lama bersabar.
but then tetiba bende ni naik balik.
sedih dengan apa yang orang tulis and kata pasal kau kan?
itu yang kau tersilap langkah tapi perkara yang normal lah. budak muda kan.
even an adult do a mistakes by use their words in a wrong way and misunderstood people, why not young people?
we're not mothers thats why we're being careless with our words without we realizing about it. an advice in a beautiful way would have been great from mothers. not in a harmful way. sorry but no offense. ikhlas.
tak kisahlah pasal yang lepas, pedulikan apa mereka-mereka nak tulis pasal kau.
u've stay strong for too long and just a little bit patient will surely worth it.
as ur bestfren, i know u better than everyone else. in fact, i've the right to judge what kind of person are u while they don't.
kau kasar, kau bukan lemah lembut orangnya. itu yang aku kenal and i love u mate. i love u so much♥ always.
Monday, 27 February 2012
- Munira Zaid said...
dye dah tau pasal kau ke??
1 March 2012 at 02:40
- najwa saleh, said...
hahaam bukan die je, 1 dunia dh tau :)
3 March 2012 at 19:00
- Athirah Kiss said...
yupp.. the whole world dh tawu. hahaha
4 March 2012 at 23:27
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